Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Edible Weeping Mulberry Tree

Our Edible Weeping Mulberry is just starting to produce berries.
Every year in Spring we look 
forward to eating fresh berries.
As soon as we see new foliage 
we know the fruit will come.
~First Green in Color~
~Then Red~

~This year we'll make lots of fresh salads with fresh fruit~


  1. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhh - what a gorgeous tree, and BEAUTIFUL fruit - made my mouth water, you did! Happy Tuesday - Tanya

  2. Wow, this is just so inviting! I am so very much in awe of your garden and how you have made such a treasure of a home. I look forward to reading more...and more...and more...

  3. Hi, Jody,
    Your post brought back so many memories to me today. As a young girl, one of my favorite past times was to gather the mulberries from the trees behind my home. They were always so delicious and such a nice treat. I am sure your mulberries will be delicious on salads. I always like to add fruit to mine, too. Thank you for coming by for a visit at Bunny Cottage and following along with me. I am following along with you now. Enjoy the rest of your week! Vicki

  4. I love making fresh salad with berries from my mulberry tree.


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