
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

~The Baby Hummingbirds Leave Their Nest~

We have been so fortunate to have so many birds nest in our garden.
In the beginning they were so little.
It really is amazing how their nest is made of everything in nature. Just Beautiful...
Every week we watched them change.
The mother was busy back and forth feeding them until she couldn't fit on the nest anymore.
Stan and I knew the day they were going to leave. They both were moving toward the edge of their nest. Waiting until the magical moment.
As soon as the wind picked up, one left and then the other...


  1. Very fun. We have had the good fortune to witness this too!! Such an awesome thing!!

  2. Owwww so sweeeeeet !!!.....our nature is so beautiful !! from

  3. We love them so much and are their slaves. I must have eight feeders out here but have not seen a nest yet. Thank you for these images.

  4. I was hooked on watching a hummingbird cam last year but never got to see them hatch. So amazing these little guys are. We get them in our greenhouses all the time and I never tire of them. Thanks for the great close ups.


  5. Beautiful! I love hummingbirds but they are so territorial and nasty. At my last home, a feeder was outside a pair of french doors and there was always a battle for the food!

    Thank you for the gorgeous photos, so sweet. xox

  6. I love watching hummingbirds. I have a feeder right outside my sunroom window and watch them all day. How fun to watch these little ones. Great shots. Thanks for sharing at Wow, but I need a link or button to the party in your post. Thanks.

  7. How wonderful that you had these in your yard and were able to watch them grow. I've not been that lucky but I do have year-round resident who makes sure another doesn't take over. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Sooooo sweet! Beautiful photos! You are so blessed to have seen God's handiwork so closely! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. These are great photos! My little boy wants to know how big the nest is, and how you got the pictures so close to the nest!

  10. How adorable is that... your photographs are great...I would love an experience like that...
    Thanks so much for sharing at the ALL STARS BLOCK PARTY...


  11. I'm so glad I found your blogsite. Your pictures are so pretty. It is amazing that you found these little and were able to enjoy and photograph them. We don't have as many hummers as last year, but we may see more when we have more blooms. I keep my two feeders clean and full of fresh sugar water just in case. Debbie

  12. Such a wonderful post. Love the pictures of the hummingbirds! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  13. Congrats! You and your sweet birds were just featured from our All Star Block Party. You can view the post here:

    Shasta @InTheOldRoad

  14. Oops, looks like I'm a little late in telling you that you've been featured on the Block Party. If you haven't already done so, head on over to my blog and grab a feature button. Thanks for sharing your sweet birds.

  15. They are such fabulous birds--how wonderful you were able to take such great pictures! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
