
Sunday, April 8, 2012

~Happy Easter~

Happy Easter Everyone!
I had so much fun decorating this year,
 a little late, but I'm glad I did.
We always hid baskets with the kids when they were little. We all had so much fun. Stan wrote little clues and put them in the plastic eggs and the kids would have to hunt for their Easter baskets. 
It was a fun tradition.
My mother-in-law, Mary, was here to celebrate Easter with us.
We thought making cupcakes and having her decorate them would be fun for her.
She took her time and iced everyone.
It made her happy doing it all by herself.
They turned out so pretty!
We went outside and took a break,
 it was beautiful day.
The weather was perfect.
The hydrangeas are just about to bloom.

Getting the table ready
 for our Easter dinner.
Have a Wonderful Holiday Feast.
Have a great time with your families and friends.


  1. Your table is just delightful. It must be wonderful to have an Easter feast in the outdoors. Too cold here, yet. "Happy Easter". Hugs, Deb

  2. What a gorgeous venue! I just love the buffet and the chandeliers. Elegant but casual.
    Love it!

  3. I loved this post - Mary looks SO happy to have done those cupcakes - what a doll!
